At Camooweal State School we collaborate, staff live and breathe our school Mission and Values: Collaborating with families and community, high quality teaching and learning, celebrating achievement, improvement and success, and embedding safe and respectful relationships and behaviour through our PBL Social Skills program.
"Strive to Succeed" is our motto, and it is our shared understanding of "hand in hand, together we can" that ensures that success. Whilst these core values are the foundation of out relationships with students and the greater school community, they fundamentally begin with our team. We collaborate annually to reflect and refine our shared understanding of what makes us strong. Using Engorri; a three-phased strength-based approach, our team define a common way of working when dealing with complex challenges.
At Camooweal State School giving and receiving support makes us strong. Our friendships and respectful relationships make us strong. Giving, and having a "we can" attitude makes us strong. Honouring our ancestors and identity through sharing stories, knowledge, traditions makes us strong. Being open-minded and having a growth mindset makes us strong. As we continue to evolve, so too will our definition of what makes us strong; ever celebrating diversity and the unique gifts that each of us bring to our team and to education.